Planta! preserving the pillars of life on Earth
In 2019, Planta! provided conservation education to 4.525 people, training to 332 conservation practitioners and ran conservation projects that benefited directly the populations of 43 threatened plant species; a total of 35.738 seedlings of threatened species were planted.
Plant Conservation in Madagascar
ProjectConservation of endemic orchids in Central Africa
ProjectConservation assessment and recovery planning of Ekmanianthe longiflora (Royal Oak)
ProjectPlant conservation across the Caribbean
ProjectConservation status assessment and recovery of Rhodogeron coronopifolius
ProjectConservation of threatened mountain species
ProjectPlanta!’s Capacity Building program: supporting the conservation of threatened trees.
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Stablishing a National Plant Conservation Strategy in Madagascar
by Alejandro Palmarola
A Project from the Madagascar Plant Specialist Group was funded by Planta! as part of the SSC – Internal Grant since January 2020. The Project aims to create an action plan to preserve Critically Endangered regional plants.

The top 50 most threatened plants of Cuba: seven years later
by Alina Cuza
Published in 2013 in Bissea, “The top 50 most threatened plants of Cuba” has inspired conservation actions across Cuba. It has been a call for conservationists, local communities, and stakeholders, gathered by the common interest of protecting the unique flora of Cuba.

The guardian of the “Aguacate cimarron”
by Maritza Deroncelé
Maritza Deroncelé is a psychologist turned into a conservationist. Currently the Natural Reserve “El Retiro” manager, she tells us how her work preserving the Aguacate cimarron, changed her life.