In 2019, Planta! educated 4.525 people for conservation and trained 332 conservation practitioners; more than 70 people have implemented sustainable alternatives influenced by Planta!
Last year Planta! carried out conservation projects that directly benefited the populations of 43 species. Our team planted more than 35.700 seedlings of rare and threatened species that positively impacted 37 natural populations.
Our team carried out conservation actions in 138 locations with the collaboration of more than 100 volunteers. More than 14.500 threatened plants were counted and georeferenced in natural populations.
In 2019, the recovery plans for 18 threatened species have been drafted. For the future, more than 28.000 seedlings were planted in nurseries, which will become part of the conservation results of the year 2020.
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Our Mission

Planta!'s mission is to preserve endangered plant life and their habitats by educating the public, creating capacities and supporting conservationists pursuing innovative initiatives for people and biodiversity to thrive.


95 %

of our funds are used for conservation

Our Approach

Planta! considers local community-based projects the foundations of effective conservation.

We work on developing conservation knowledge, skills, concern, and commitment in the individuals who will be able to identify, work on and resolve local community issues, and from there address regional conservation challenges by networking and collaborating region-wide.

Educating the public

A community aware of the importance of plants for human to thrive, that is proud of its native plant life and have learnt to enjoyed, commits to its preservation.

Building local capacities

A community with appropriate knowledge and skills identifies environmental challenges, and creates innovative solutions to overcome them.

Networking & Sharing

Communities that share resources and experiences have higher chance of succeed, and make the most of the limited funds that are available for plant life conservation.

Delivering science-based conservation

Local community actions when based on good science deliver bigger, better, faster and long-lasting conservation outcomes.