For several years now, Planta! Plantlife Conservation Society has supported conservation actions to preserve magnolias in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean. The Project has been developed by the Ghent University (Belgium) and the Regional Center of El Bajío-INECOL (Mexico), funded by the Foundation Franklinia.
Date: 12/11/2020
Project: Conservación de las magnolias en el Caribe y Mesoamérica
Twenty percent of the global plant species is threatened. Magnolias in particular are highly vulnerable and are almost entirely categorized as threatened. They are absent from ex situ collections around the world and are rarely targeted for in situ conservation actions. The Caribbean, with about 13 native species of Magnolia, and Mesoamerica with 55 species are two important centers of diversity of the genus. Molecular studies in this group are scarce, despite their contribution to an efficient conservation strategy. They could support action plans for the conservation of genetically diverse populations.