Collecting seeds of Coccothrinax borhidiana has always been a challenge for the team of Planta! After several months of lockdown due to Covid-19, Duniel, Ilsa, Mayté, and Héctor travel to Punta Guanos, hoping for the best.
Date: 27/10/2020
Project: Conservation of threatened species of arid Cuban sites
These are tough times, but not particularly for Nature. More than once, the world has seen landscapes that were covered in smoke and contamination shine again. It is also the case of Punta Guanos, known by some as Risco Alto due to the cliff that borders a beautiful blue sea. The guano palm (Coccothrinax borhididana) grows here.
After four months of lockdown due to Covid-19, and knowing that the province of Matanzas was at its last recovery stage, we decided to go to Punta Guanos to collect seeds of this valuable palm, from which we have included some news before.